Saturday, June 22, 2013


April 25, 2013.  It was just 1 day away from Golden Week, the largest holiday week in Japan.  It was also the first time I had completely forgotten about the holiday week.  I sat in front of my calendar, shocked.

I have let my work rule over my life - rule so much of my life that I had forgotten the holiday week I look forward to every year.

What can you do, just 1 day from the holiday week?  All of Japan is ready to enjoy the week.  Vacation spots are all reserved and full, traffic jam packed, flights out of Japan all booked.  Everybody is packing to enjoy what they have planned far ahead.  And I HAVE NOTHING.

Returning from work, I thought "well, I can at least pick up a book I can read during the holiday" - and strolled into a bookshop in Nihonbashi, Tokyo.  And one book caught my eye - "Walking the Tokaido - 492km."

Walking?  Well, for that you don't need to plan ahead.  Even I can do that!  The idea of walking down the highway built 400 years ago really intrigued me for some reason, so I picked up the book, walked home, and packed just enough things to keep me going for 3 days.
I did not know at this time that this would become my greatest hobby.  But now I know - this was probably the best course of action I took in decades.

So, here I am, at the starting point of roads in Japan - Nihonbashi, Tokyo - to embark on a long jorney of 492km towards Kyo (= Kyoto), and also a long journey to understand the heart and soul of Japan.

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